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Few Memoires
To found Nipobon we went through many colorful memoirs filled with sorrow and joy. Some of them we are sharing with you here.

Memoirs 1. To introduce Nipobon usually we used posters, banners, festoon etc. At the first day of campaign, our selected labors were absent on account of ill health. As it was the first day of campaign and that's why my wife triet it as a obstruct. So no way to put off this program. Having no other ways to follow me and my wife made the program positive. At midnight we went on the road. My wife gum out the posters and I was fix them on the wall with outburst of joy through midnight to morning. Next day we discover that 90 present of our posters are torn and worn-out by somebody. Some posters of some other organizations are over leaping many of our posters. Me and my wife felt more stricken with mental anguish. But this is the usual practice of our people.

Memoirs 2. To announce the name of Nipobon Preparatory School I took few extraordinary technic from the very beginning. We organized some cultural events through Nipobon to give some message to the local people. ALPONA a traditional Indian graphic design which is drown in the ground, compound and even on the stairs occasionally. Alpona can makes pride any festival. Usually we make Alpona to the stairs during many of our political and social movements or festivals. This time we give some message with Alpona. It's more effective in our culture. As I said, to announce the name of Nipobon Preparatory School that time we made many Alponas, at many bulls eye point of our city. In the midnight, to continue this campaign I was harassed by the ambulation police in front of my students. I introduced myself as a teacher but they didn't hesitate to harass me. This is the character and conduct of our police. I didn't feel any sorrow or shame for that, because our police doesn't know how to behave with the teacher! I think it's a matter of disgraceful affair.

Memoirs 3. Professionally I am working with the kids and for the kids since 1986. I served many educational and cultural events with countless kids and want to continue it until my death. Many of the children are so cute, some of them are too naughty, some of them are suffering from physical or mental disability. But I am always obtainable for every one. Of course it's necessary some additional labor for those kids which are suffering from physical or mental disability. After trying for days together once upon a time the kids act as like as normal kids. But when the kids act as normal, mostly parents starts to act abnormal. Some times some of them take a site against the school. I don't know why? With no other ways in hand I start singing a Bengali proverb; 'When there is nobody else, I am with you; And now everything is yours, but I'm nobody'.

Memoirs 4. When I was failing to find the right way to run my school due to financial lacking, at that time my Face book friend Shumon came with a rescue and donated 50,000 BDT in my school fund. It was a milestone of thinking about funding of Nipobon Preparatory School. A new journey begun with face book. I reconnected with lots of my older friends across the world and build up many new friends through face book. I invite them to visit our website to explore and support our work.

Memoirs 5. Before I took a 4,00,000 BDT School lone from BRAC BANK Limited Barisal SME unit. To continue our school activities we took a sudden and wrong decision we borrowed some money keeping my wife's jewelry in mortgage. We couldn't retrieve the jewelry yet. That was memento of our wedding, gift of my parents. I felt so sorrow for my wife and I feel even guiltier for that till today.

Memoirs 6. As I explained that I am Professionally working with the kids since 1986. In 2008 my eldest son Audri was in playgroup and off course he is in my school Nipobon. In the first semesters examination Audri occupied the fifth place. I was happy but my wife wasn't. In second semester Audri scored top in his class. This time her mother was happy! But after publishing the results many guardians were highly disappointed. Gossips were there that Audri is my son and that's why he became first in the class. It was a discredit for my school, my system, my principals, and for me. Few guardians took their children away to another school due to this issue. But I strict  to no compromise. I asked all of my teachers to judge the children without any favorism. Audri my dear son took the third place in the annual examination. I was unsatisfied not because of the result of my son but for the narrowness of few guardians which made my son their enemy. They played a game with me! But I was always dedicated for their kids through out.

Memoirs 7. At the year 2007, unfortunately my school faced the critical situation to conduct the educational activities due to finance. It was an unbearable memory. At that time as a director I took a very wrong decision, and that is the one and only horrible memory in my life too. To continue our educational activities I took a 4,00,000 BDT School lone from BRAC BANK Limited Barisal SME unit, Bangladesh under obligation. Account No.:1501600614221001. It was a great mistake. I invested all the money at a time for a year but after 30 days from the receiving I had to refund 21,230 BDT per month. It was very difficult, it acted like a boomerang and it was a burden for me and my school Nipobon. Because the admission and re-admission was not so rich that time, on the other hand the number of dropout and transfer was comparatively high. And that's why we couldn't fill up the monthly and yearly collections target. You know admission, re-admission, dropout, transfer it's a regular activities of any school. I received 4,00,000 BDT only and refunded principal amount + interest + processing charge= 518337 BDT. Some time I could not even collect 21230 BDT as an installment in time. Without showing any respect to my school or teachers, the misbehavior of BRAC BANK officers with me in my school compound was bit defamation. As a teacher I couldn't tolerate that, I felt too much helpless, I felt much dishonored. Not only that, in absence of me they physically harassed my son; aged only five years. As a father it was too much to bear for me. I don't know, how by the name of school lone a responsible bank could insult a teacher through their staff. May be it is the destiny or reward to voluntary service to build a few numbers of kid's educational event.

Memories 8. In December 2009 I found a wonderful friend form Australia named Leanna Mackenzie through facebook. I'm really fortunate to find such a kind hearted friend like her. Thanks to facebook. I also thank God for sending such a good friend to Nipobon. Leanna wrote a superb article about my school and me. When I read out the article for the first time, I got moved, felt so proud,  and it encouraged me to continue my work for the children. It was like a benchmark of my works. Dear Leanna, I am really grateful to you and I hope that you will be with us to cherish the pleasant memories that we had while working together as Nipobon family.  

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