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  Meaning of Nipobon  

Meaning of Nipobon:
'Nipo' means kadombo, a seasonal flower of Bangladesh, which is available in rainy season. And 'Bon' means garden. As a whole Nipobon means kodombo bon (Flower Garden).

Once up on a time kadombo used as a toiletries of our women,. It keeps women gorgeous with it's own beauty! As flower it's very romantic also. Our people believe that, two things are enough to pick a quarrel one is handkerchief and another is the flower of kadombo.

People in Bangladesh also believe that kadombo removes all kinds of  impurity and frustration form a person. And we declarer Nipobon campus is free from any kinds of disappointment, it is always as fresh as Kodombo!

Meaning of Logo:
Two Kadombo flowers and three leafs in a stalk are used to make our logo. Two flowers are represent our principle aimed; one is education another is culture. As we believe that education is the backbone of a person, a nation and cultural activities can developed a person, a family, and a nation. We are trey to our entire student cultural oriented all over the year side by side the education.
Three leafs are represent our three pattern of excellence. There are vision, honesty & chain of relations. We want to make a dream that, each an every kids will be a perfect person. Nipobon will be a complete platform where every kid is a creative genius, worthy next generation leader.
Name of our School is show in reverse Bengali letters. Ground is dark and letter is to brighten up. The meaning of this symbol is; we would like to brighten up all kids from the lack of education, the darkness part of his life.

And the borderline holds all things and make it unique.

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